UGC NET is a very highly competitive exam, which needs proper study material to crack the exam. On this page of ExamFlame, students can get a Free Topic-wise study material for UGC NET History.
Study Material is a very important tool in the preparation for any Exam. Preparing for any of the exams without study material is not possible, every exam preparation needs a study material so that students can get an idea about the level and pattern of Questions. in short, study material completes the preparation.

Study material of both Hindi and English medium is available here, so students of both mediums can get benefit from it. If you have any queries regarding it then you can comment us below.
Download Here UGC NET History Study Material PDF for Free
The UGC NET History study materials are arranged in the table below. Download the study material PDF in both languages.
S. No. | Topic’s Name | Hindi Medium Notes | English Medium Notes |
Topic 01 | History of the World: Beginning of the 16th Century to 1776 AD (विश्व का इतिहास : 16वीं सदी के प्रारंभ से 1776 ईस्वी तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 02 | History of the World: From 1789 AD to 1945 AD (विश्व का इतिहास: 1789 ईस्वी से 1945 ईस्वी तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 03 | Indian National Movement: Struggle for Freedom (भारतीय राष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन: स्वतंत्रता के लिए संघर्ष) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 04 | Indian National Movement: Role of Nation-building (भारतीय राष्ट्रीय आन्दोलन: राष्ट्र- निर्माण की भूमिका) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 05 | Society in modern Uttarakhand (आधुनिक उत्तराखण्ड में समाज) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 06 | Historiography: Ancient and Medieval (इतिहास लेखन: प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 07 | Historiography: Modern (इतिहास लेखन: आधुनिक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 08 | History of India: From the 6th century BC to the middle of the 3rd century AD (भारत का इतिहास: छठी सदी ईस्वी पूर्व से तृतीय सदी ईस्वी के मध्य तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 09 | History of India: From the 4th century AD to the middle of the 7th century AD (भारत का इतिहास: चतुर्थ सदी ईस्वी से सातवीं सदी ईस्वी के मध्य तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 10 | History of India: Seventh Century AD to First Quarter of Sixteenth Century AD (भारत का इतिहास:सातवीं सदी ईस्वी से सोलहवीं सदी ईस्वी के प्रथम चतुर्थांश तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
Topic 11 | History of India: From the beginning of the sixteenth century AD to the middle of the eighteenth century AD (भारत का इतिहास: सोलहवीं सदी ईस्वी के प्रारंभ से अठारहवीं सदी ईस्वी के मध्य तक) | Download PDF | Coming Soon… |
NOTE:- If you want anything else like e-books, practice questions, Syllabus, or any exam-related information, kindly let us know in the comment section below. |
How will I prepare for the UGC NET History? What method should I use to study?
Here are some tips for studying History for the UGC NET exam:
- Understand the exam pattern: Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and the types of questions that are asked in the history paper of the UGC NET exam. This will help you to focus your study efforts and to prepare effectively.
- Review the syllabus: Make sure you are familiar with the entire syllabus for the history paper of the UGC NET exam. This will help you to know what topics you need to cover and to plan your study schedule accordingly.
- Start with the basics: Begin your studies by reviewing the basic concepts and foundations of history. This will provide a solid foundation for your further studies.
- Use a variety of study materials: Use a variety of study materials such as textbooks, lecture notes, and online resources to broaden your understanding of the subject.
- Practice answering questions: Practice answering sample questions and past papers to improve your speed and accuracy. This will also help you to get an idea of the types of questions that are asked in the exam.
- Take breaks: Don’t try to study for long hours continuously. Take breaks in between to rest and recharge. This will help you to stay focused and avoid burnout.
- Seek help: If you are struggling with certain topics, don’t hesitate to seek help from your professors or tutors. They can provide guidance and clarification on difficult concepts.
Overall, the key to success in the UGC NET exam is to start early, be consistent in your studies, and use a variety of study materials to broaden your understanding of the subject.
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Should I read world history for the UGC NET History exam?
The UGC NET exam consists of two papers: Paper I, and Paper II. Paper I is common to all subjects and tests the test-taker’s teaching and research aptitude. Paper II tests the test-taker’s knowledge of the specific subject chosen by the test-taker.
If you are planning to take the UGC NET History exam, you should focus your studies on Indian history as it will be covered in Paper II of the exam. However, you may also want to have a basic understanding of world history as it may be useful in Paper III (if you choose to take this optional paper) and in your teaching and research activities.
In summary, while it is not necessary to study world history in depth for the UGC NET History exam, it may be helpful to have a basic understanding of world history as it may be useful in your teaching and research activities.
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