Modern Algebra by AP Singh PDF Download 2023

Modern Algebra by AP Singh book is designed for students who are preparing for various National Level competitive examinations and also inspires them to enter into Ph.D. Programs by qualifying for the various entrance exams.

So, if you want to study higher in Mathematics, read this AP Singh Book for Modern Algebra section. In this post, the Book is provided in PDF format, which can easily download by anyone from below.

This book elaborates the basic definitions of Group Theory. The concept of Class Equation is illustrated in a very suitable way for the ease of students. Sylow’s Theorems are explained with good examples. In addition to it, the book discusses the concepts of Ring Theory and Field Theory in brief. In the end, the topics of Number Theory are explained.

The main attribute of this book is that utmost care has been taken of the fact that Modern Algebra is presently the major part of all competitive exams and accordingly the examples and the problems have been listed. The practice sets are introduced at the end of the topics which include a variety of questions from CSIR UGC NET, IIT JAM, TIFR, NBHM, and GATE previous year question papers.

These questions are carefully selected so that the students can apply mathematical knowledge in solving the questions. In addition to it, the solved examples are also given at the end of every chapter which will help in a deep understanding of the topics discussed. The key points provide a quick revision of every chapter. Also, a well-thought question bank, in the form of various assignments is given at the end of each chapter which covers the entire prescribed topics, so as to facilitate students to do more and more practice and hence secure good results.

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Features of Modern Algebra by AP Singh PDF

Modern Algebra is a textbook written by A.P. Singh that covers the fundamental concepts and techniques of modern algebra. The book is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject and is suitable for undergraduate students of mathematics.

Some of the key features of Modern Algebra by A.P. Singh include:

  1. Detailed coverage of the syllabus: The book covers all the essential topics in modern algebra, including groups, rings, fields, and Galois theory.
  2. Clear explanations and examples: The book provides clear explanations of the concepts and techniques, along with numerous examples to help students understand the material.
  3. Practice exercises: The book includes a large number of practice exercises to help students test their knowledge and skills.
  4. Summaries and review questions: The book includes summaries of the key points at the end of each chapter, as well as review questions to help students revise the material.
  5. Self-assessment questions: The book includes self-assessment questions to help students assess their progress and identify areas where they need further practice.

Modern Algebra by AP Singh: Chapter Content

The Modern Algebrain this book divided into 5 Chapters, which are:

Chapter 01Group Theory
Chapter 02Permutation and Sylow’s Theorem
Chapter 03Ring Theory
Chapter 04Field Theory
Chapter 05Combinations and Number Theory
NOTE:- If you want anything else like e-books, practice questions, Syllabus, or any exam-related information, kindly let us know in the comment section below.

Download Modern Algebra by AP Singh PDF

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How to study modern algebra?

Modern algebra, also known as abstract algebra, is the study of mathematical structures that generalize the concepts of arithmetic, such as groups, rings, and fields. Here are some steps you can follow to study modern algebra:

  1. Review basic algebra concepts such as equations, functions, and graphs.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the language and notation of abstract algebra, including symbols for operations such as addition and multiplication.
  3. Start with the basics of group theory, including the definition of a group and the concept of a subgroup.
  4. Move on to ring theory, including the definition of a ring and the concept of an ideal.
  5. Learn about field theory, including the definition of a field and the concept of a polynomial.
  6. Practice solving problems to develop your skills in working with abstract algebraic concepts.
  7. Consider reading a textbook or taking a course to learn more about modern algebra.

It may be helpful to find a tutor or study group to discuss and work on problems with. It’s also a good idea to try to find connections to concrete examples or applications of the concepts you’re learning, as this can help make the material more relatable and easier to understand.

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